GitHub Actions: Quirks, Issues, and Tips for Real-world CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) is an important part of any modern software development cycle. It ensures code quality remains high, helps keep applications secure, and bridges the gap between everyday work and your visitors’ experience.

Nowadays it’s a given that a CI/CD pipeline will be part of a workflow, but choosing a provider and/or platform can be difficult. Oomph has made use of a number of CI/CD tools over the years: DeployBot, Jenkins, and Travis CI have all made appearances. Most of our projects in the last few years have used Travis, but more recently we’ve found it to be unreliable. Just as we began searching for a new provider, full CI/CD support was announced for GitHub Actions.

We immediately added Actions to the list of providers we were interested in, and after some comparison, we began migrating projects to it. Overall we’ve found it to be beneficial — the syntax is well-designed, workflows are extensible and modular, the platform is reliable and performant, and we’ve experienced no major trouble.

There are already plenty of good guides and articles on how to use GitHub Actions; we won’t repeat that here. Instead, we’ll look at a few gotchas and issues that we’ve encountered while using the platform, to give an accurate picture of things you may come across while implementing GitHub Actions.


The team behind GitHub Actions knew what they were doing, and it’s clear they learned from and improved on previous CI/CD implementations. This is most obvious in the clear structure of the syntax, the straightforward pricing model, and the useful feature set. However, Actions’ in-progress state is apparent in some areas.

Artifact Storage and Billing

GitHub provides a generous amount of free build time for all repositories and organizations. Storage, though, is much more limited — only 2GB is included for GitHub Teams organizations. If you want to store build artifacts for all of your CI/CD jobs (a good idea for testing and repeatability) you may need to configure a “spending limit” — i.e. a maximum amount you’re willing to spend each month on storage. GitHub charges $0.25/GB for storage beyond the included 2GB.

Artifact storage is still rudimentary. Jobs can upload artifacts for download by other jobs later in the workflow, but the lifetime of those artifacts cannot be configured; they will expire after 90 days and the only way to delete them beforehand is manual. Manual deletions will also take some time to free up storage space.

We also experienced an issue where our reported usage for Actions storage was greatly (~500%) exaggerated, putting us far past our spending limit and breaking builds. When we reached out to GitHub’s support, though, they responded quickly to let us know this was a system-wide issue and they were working on it; the issue was resolved some days later and we were not charged for the extra storage. We were able to work around it in the meantime by extending our spending limit.

Restarting and Debugging Jobs

If a workflow fails or is canceled, it can be restarted from the workflow page. However, it’s not yet possible to restart certain jobs; the entire workflow has to be run again. GitHub is working on support for job-specific restarts.

Debugging job failures also is not yet officially supported, but various community projects make this possible. We’ve used Max Schmitt’s action-tmate to debug our builds, and that does the job. In fact, I prefer this approach to the Travis method; with this we can specify the point of the workflow where we want to start debugging, whereas Travis always starts debugging at the beginning of the build.

Log Output

GitHub Actions has an excellent layout for viewing the output of jobs. Each job in a workflow can be viewed and within that each step can be expanded on its own. The output from the current step can also be seen in near-real-time. Unfortunately, this last bit has been somewhat unreliable for us, lagging behind by a bit or failing to show the output for short steps. (To be fair to GitHub, I have never used a CI/CD platform where the live output worked flawlessly.) Viewing the logs after completion has never been a problem.

Configuring Variables/Outputs

GitHub Actions allows you to configure outputs for an action, so a later step can use some value or outcome from an earlier step. However, this only applies to packaged actions that are included with the uses method.

To do something similar with a free-form step is more convoluted. First, the step must use some odd syntax to set an output parameter, e.g.:

- name: Build
  id: build
  run: |
    echo "::set-output name=appsize::$(du -csh --block-size=1G  build/ | tail -n1 | cut -d$'\t' -f1)"


Then a later step can reference this parameter with the steps context:

- name: Provision server
  run: terraform apply -var “app_ebs_volume_size=${{ }}”


However, the scope of the above is limited to the job it takes place inside of. To reference values across jobs you must also set the values within the outputs map in the jobs context, e.g.:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      appsize: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.appsize }}
    - name: Build
      id: build
      run: |
        echo "::set-output name=appsize::$(du -csh --block-size=1G  build/ | tail -n1 | cut -d$'\t' -f1)"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
    - run: terraform apply -var “app_ebs_volume_size=${{ }}”


Importantly, the outputs map from a previous job is only made available to jobs that require it with the needs directive.

While this setup is workable, the syntax feels a little weird, and the lack of documentation on it makes it difficult to be certain of what you’re doing. This is evolving, as well; the jobs.<jobs_id>.outputs context was only released in early April. Before that was added, persisting data across jobs required the use of build artifacts, which was clunky and precluded its use for sensitive values.

Self-hosted Runners

Sometimes security or access requirements prohibit a cloud-hosted CI/CD runner from reaching into an environment to deploy code or provision resources, or some sensitive data needs to be secured. For these scenarios, GitHub provides the ability to self-host Actions runners. Self-hosted runners can instead run the CI/CD process from an arbitrary VM or container within the secured network or environment. You can use them alongside cloud-hosted runners; as an example, in some situations we use cloud-hosted runners to test and validate builds before having the self-hosted runners deploy those builds to an environment.

This feature is currently in beta, but it has proven reliable and extremely useful in the places we’ve needed them.

Reliability and Performance

Overall GitHub Actions has been very reliable for us. There have been periods of trouble here and there but GitHub is open about the issues and generally addresses them in short order. We have not (yet) been seriously impeded by any outages or degradation, which is a significant improvement over our previous CI/CD situation.

Overall Experience

In general, the switch to GitHub Actions has been a positive experience. We have made significant improvements to our CI/CD workflows by switching to Actions; the platform has some great features and it has certainly been beneficial for our development lifecycle. While Actions may have a few quirks or small issues here and there we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it as a CI/CD platform.

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More about this author

Evan Damon

Senior DevOps Engineer

Evan has a keen eye for all things DevOps; he is a technical expert with a knack for making complex concepts understandable.

I'm Evan, a DevOps Engineer at Oomph. I work with our internal team to make sure our projects are agile, reliable, and operating smoothly.

Previously I worked in Linux system administration for Fortune 200 and 500 organizations, which evolved into DevOps work as I specialized in web technologies, automation, and infrastructure. My experience in that area was enlightening, but it makes me appreciate what we have here at Oomph, where we are more flexible, adaptable, and the team is tightly connected.

While school and most of my career has been based in Portland, Oregon, I was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota, the sleepy, older twin of Minneapolis. There I learned to love soccer, the outdoors, and the Minnesota State Fair, which I still travel back for sometimes.

When I'm not working I'll often be on a bike ride, tinkering with some electronics, skiing, trying something new at a local brewery, reading science fiction or fantasy series, studying public infrastructure, or traveling.