The Brief

Less can be Much More

The previous Foundation Medicine (FMI) team built their marketing platform on a decoupled content management architecture. Oomph has used decoupled and micro-service architecture for projects such as Leica Geosystems and Wingspans

But decoupled is not right for every organization, and a decoupled approach can be architected in many different ways. FMI had found their implementation created more headaches than high-fives: 

In short, publishing new content or making content edits was too slow. Responding quickly to changing market conditions or new announcements in the cancer treatment space was not possible, eroding reliance and trust in what should be a cutting-edge brand.

* It should be noted that Contentful uses a “Content Type” for almost everything, from content to taxonomy to design components.

The Approach

Moving away from Decoupled

Based on their current pain points, Oomph verified that switching to a traditional “monolithic” architecture would solve their problems and provide additional benefits: 

A sample of our Design Audit document, which broke pages down into components.

Oomph completed an extensive audit and reduced content types from 158 down to 30. We created a tight, flexible system in Drupal of just 14 content types — news item, event page, product page, etc. —  and 16 design components — text blocks, accordions, etc. 

How did we achieve such a reduction? Our consolidation approach moved from fewer specific options (one thing for a small number of very specific pieces of content) to flexibility within general ones (one thing to support many pieces of content with specific options).

Retaining Key Functionality

Foundation Medicine exists to help people with cancer and those who treat them. To accomplish this, the website features intricate tools for providers to navigate essential cancer resources and patients to find a specialist. None of these tools were compromised by switching to Drupal. In fact, with efficiency gains and more timely content governance, these resources became more valuable.

The Results

Connecting Providers with Genomic Data and Patients with Personalized Care

The upgrade to Foundation Medicine’s digital platform has been invisible by design. The brand and the visuals were performing well for their business and were comfortable for their audience. The outward appearance didn’t need an update, but the internal workflows that support continued trust certainly did. 

The Foundation Medicine team now has the autonomy to make content updates quickly, the architecture and design components to confidently curate each page build, and the infrastructure to create clear and consistent content — a win for the team and for the many people who turn to Foundation Medicine in their time of need.

Page Views

+ 11.7 %

Scroll Depth

+ 45.15 %

User Engagement

+ 16.47 %

The Drupal Association brought a new challenge to the Drupal community this past summer. At the beginning of May 2024, Dries Buytaert, the founder and leading visionary for the Drupal platform, announced an ambitious plan codenamed Starshot. The community rapidly came together around the concept and started planning how to make this vision of the future a reality, including Oomph.

What is Starshot/Drupal CMS?

Codename Starshot is now known as Drupal CMS. Drupal is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) where authors and developers build and maintain websites. Drupal has been around since 2001, and in the past, it was focused on being a developer-friendly platform that supports complex integrations and custom features.

Drupal CMS is a reimagining of Drupal for a wider market. Currently, Drupal successfully supports the complexities that governments, high-volume editorial sites, and membership organizations require. But, the barrier to entry for those that wanted to start with a small, simple site was too high. 

Drupal CMS is the community’s solution to drastically lower the barrier to entry by providing a new onboarding and page-building experience, recipes for common features, advanced SEO features, and “AI Agents” that assist authors with content migration and site-building acceleration. Dries challenged the community to start building towards a working prototype in less than 4 months, in time to demonstrate significant progress for the audience at DrupalCon Barcelona in mid-September.

The Contact Form Track

The Contact Form is an official recommended recipe. As the name suggests, its purpose is to provide a Recipe that installs the necessary modules and default content to support a useful, but simple, Contact Form. 

The primary user persona for Drupal CMS is a non-technical Marketer or Digital Strategist. Someone who wants to set up a simple website to promote themselves, a product, and/or a service. A Contact Form should start simple, but be ready for customization such as integrations with popular email newsletter services for exporting contacts and opting into receiving email. 

Research and Competitive Analysis

Drupal CMS aims to compete with juggernauts like WordPress and relative newcomers like SquareSpace, Wix, and Webflow. To create a Contact Form that could compete with these well-known CMSs, our first step was to do some competitive research.

We went in two directions for the competitive analysis (Figma whiteboard). First, we researched what kinds of experiences and default contact forms competitor CMSs provided. Second, we took stock of common Contact Form patterns, including those from well-known SAAS products. We wanted to see the kinds of fields that sales lead generation forms typically leveraged. With both of these initiatives, we learned a few things quickly: 

Our approach was starting to take shape. We internally documented our decisions and high-value MVP requirements and presented them to the advisory board for feedback. With that, we were off to create the start of our Contact Form recipe. 

Recipe and Future Phases

Phil Frilling started the Contact Form recipe, which is currently under peer review. The recipe is barebones for Phase 1 and will install the required modules to support a default Contact Form and email the site owner when messages are received. Once the initial recipe is accepted, a round of testing, documentation, and additional UI in a custom module may be required. 

Our plans include additional fields set as optional for the site owner to turn on or off as they need. Some customization will be supported in a non-technical user-friendly way, but all the power of Drupal WebForms will be available to those that want to dig deeper into customizing their lead forms.

In the short term, we are proposing:

Next stop, the Moon

DrupalCon Barcelona took place last week, September 24 through 27, 2024, and the Drupal CMS prototype was displayed for all to see. Early 2025 is the next target date for a market-ready version of Drupal CMS. The community is continuing to push hard to create a fantastic future for the platform and for authors who are dissatisfied with the current CMS marketplace.

Oomph’s team will continue to work on the Contact Form Track while contributing in other ways with the full range of skills we have. The great part about such a large and momentous initiative as Drupal CMS is that the whole company can be involved, and each can contribute from their experience and expertise. 

We’ll continue to share our progress in the weeks to come!


Track Lead J. Hogue with Philip Frilling contributing engineer, Akili Greer and Rachel Hart researchers, and thanks to Rachel Hart again for bringing the Contact Form Track Lead to Oomph for consideration.

The Brief

Oomph has worked with Lifespan since 2010 and created the second version of their intranet on Drupal 7. A critical tool like an intranet needs regular maintenance. Even with regular updates, there comes a time when the whole platform needs a re-architecture to be flexible, secure, and performant.

In 2021, it was time to plan the next phase of the intranet on Drupal 9. Lifespan used the redesign as an opportunity to realign the employee journeys with the evolution of their work. And COVID-19 had provided an opportunity to reevaluate whether a security-first, HIPAA-compliant intranet could be available to those working from home.



Job & Clinical Tools


Staff Contacts


Critical Top-Tasks

The Oomph team ran a Discovery and research phase to gather requirements and understand employee expectations. We ran workshops with client stakeholders, identified important work tasks and created 5 employee personas, conducted one-on-one interviews with key persona types, and gathered feedback from employees with an online and email survey. 

Through this research, we started to see two different types of tasks emerge: those that required speed to a destination and those that required exploration and unstructured browsing.

Tasks requiring speed to completion:

Tasks requiring unstructured browsing: 

It became clear through our process that Lifespan employees needed to move quickly and slowly, often in the same session, depending on the important tasks they needed to complete. The intranet needed to support both types of journeys to remain a successful platform for getting work done and absorbing company culture.

The Approach

A Focused Priority on Search

Expectations about fast and accurate search are high because of you know who. When designing search for an employee intranet, the baseline requirements are even higher. We knew that we had to get the design and implementation of search right. 

We took a learn-once, use-everywhere approach when it came to search interfaces. Search would be a core part of finding many types of content — tools, forms, people, departments, locations, and more. Each had to have a similar structure and set of filtering options to be the most useful. 

The list of tools, locations, or people needed smart defaults. Before someone conducts their own search, each screen displays popular searches and the common content people need to access. In some cases, an employee does not even need to search in order to find what they need.

Two search pages, similar interfaces: The Job Tools search and Staff Directory follow similar patterns, adhering to our “learn once, use everywhere” rule

Personalization that follows Employees from Device to Device

Personalization had to be a part of our solution as well. Employees are able to use S.S.O. to access the intranet from their personal devices or workstation computers in the hospitals. Workstations are often shared between multiple clinical staff, therefore, our system needed to support stopping one task on on device and picking it back up on another.

A Favorites feature allows employees to create their own transportable bookmarks. Almost everything on the site can be bookmarked, reducing the need to search for commonly used content and tools. Six custom favorites are available from the left drawer at all times, while the entire list of favorites is one more click away.

Supporting Speed and Engagement

Speed is at the heart of critical tasks and high-quality patient care. A nurse, at a shared workstation, needs to log in quickly, find the tool they need, and administer care. Time is critical. They don’t want extra clicks, a search that doesn’t work intuitively, or slow page load times. Staff don’t want it, and management doesn’t want it, either. 

Engagement is slower and the intention is different. Speed is for tasks. Engagement is for exploring. This is how company culture is communicated and absorbed. This is when people catch up with department and company news, find events to attend, view a photo gallery from an event they missed, or browse a bulletin board to swap items with other employees. You can’t have an intranet that is ALL business just like you can’t have an intranet that is NO business.

The intranet landing page, called simply the Dashboard, contains links to support speedy task completion as well as content promoting company culture

A Dashboard Built for Speed or Browsing

On the starting page, an employee might be in need for something immediate or might have time to explore. We do not know their intention, therefore, this page needs to support both. 

The left drawer is open to employees on the dashboard. It is open to show them what it contains and to remove a click when accessing the important common destinations within. The first seven links are common items for any employee, curated by the Lifespan team. They are a mixture of tactical items — like time sheets — and company culture items — like the CARE recognition program. 

Below that are the employee Favorites. The first six favorites are shown while all are available with an extra click.

The top navigation supports speed to common destinations, some of which are search interfaces and others which are built for browsing. 

The rest of the page showcases engagement and company culture. Featured news stories with images are balanced with quick news and event lists. Flexible content sections allow authors to add and remove content blocks as new items are required. 

Other content pages that were focused on engagement are the deeper News and Events pages, customized Location pages (for each major hospital location), and a community Bulletin Board.

A individual location page on mobile has flexible content areas for each team to customize their experience
The section navigation sticks to the left side and expands to reveal deeper navigation for that section

The Results

Smooth Onboarding and Acceptance

No matter how confident our teams were, we didn’t really know if the redesign was a success until employees moved from the older tools they were familiar with. The Lifespan team did a fantastic job creating walk through videos ahead of the launch. Old tools and directories stayed available for a period of overlap, but our teams saw quick adoption into the new tools in favor of the familiar. 

Since the intranet is now available off of the closed Lifespan network, we have seen mobile traffic increase dramatically. The responsive design is an improved experience over the previous intranet and the numbers prove it. In fact, we have found that more employees engage in company culture content on their personal devices, while using the company workstations for their tasks. 

Oomph is very proud to have worked with one of the largest private employers in the state, and we are very proud to have our work used by over 17,000 people every day. Oomph continues to support the Lifespan team and the intranet project, iteratively improving the features and evolving the toolset to be effective for all.

If you’ve been following along, Drupal 11 was set to be released during one of two windows in 2024 — either in July or later in the year in December — and a stable Drupal 11 release was just tagged earlier on Friday. The buzz is real because this major milestone is the first indicator that the community is on track to set the groundwork for the monumental efforts the Drupal community is rallying around with Drupal Starshot.

What is it?

Drupal 11 builds upon the significant updates that shipped with version 10.3, brings optimizations and the removal of old code, and sets the stage for upcoming releases that will support Drupal Starshot initiatives.

Drupal 10.4 (yet to be released) is being positioned as a long-term support (LTS) release that will continue to be supported until mid-2026, so there’s no urgency to update to Drupal 11 immediately. While in the past, site owners felt some urgency to upgrade as soon as possible, this time around there’s a longer runway before that needs to happen. That being said, sites will need to be upgraded to 10.3 before being updated to Drupal 11, so if you’re not yet on the current version of Drupal 10, that should be your priority.

Chart that outlines the proposed release schedule for Drupal 10, 11, and 12

Slide shared at Drupalcon Portland outlining release plan for v10 support through mid-2026

Why is it important?

Over time software at all points in your technology stack will see updates — at least that is what we hope for! — which means that not only does Drupal get updated, but the technologies that Drupal is built to run on will see updates, too. One of the most important changes with Drupal 11 is the new platform requirements that include updating to PHP 8.3.

PHP 8.3 brings significant performance improvements that will result in a faster Drupal application as well as the opportunity for lower costs to run the application, which means less impact on the environment — a definite win in our book

Beyond updates to support the latest and greatest platform versions, other improvements include the removal of some lesser-used core modules and deprecated code—so, some code-level housekeeping. 

Most importantly, the introduction of official LTS releases means that site owners will have a more predictable roadmap for when updates need to happen without feeling like they need to be early adopters when contributed modules may be lagging behind the new core releases.

Why are we excited about it?

With Drupal 11 cementing changes that were introduced with Drupal 10.3.x, updating dependencies, and removing lesser-used features, this release lays the foundation for the Drupal Starshot initiative to build upon and includes Single Directory Components (this provides support for a component-based development approach) and (experimental) Recipes support, which is a Starshot initiative feature that will allow sites to add new complete features to a site through bundled configuration settings.

Oomph has been contributing to the Starshot initiative since it was announced at Drupalcon, and we’re really looking forward to what’s ahead! We’re also thrilled to see Drupal in a position to adopt newer versions of the libraries and packages it depends on because that means streamlined development support and the benefits of the updates and improvements that those communities are making to their software reach us as well.

Drupal 11 Release changes

Notable changes to Drupal 11 include:

See the release notes for full details.

Drupal has always been about community. It’s quite literally built on an open-source model, meaning developers anywhere and everywhere can help build the content management system’s (CMS) core code. However, actively contributing to Drupal can be intimidating, even for me, a senior project manager with a background in light coding, HTML, CSS, and experience working with some seriously talented Drupal engineers over the last 15 years. 

As the Oomph team prepared to head to DrupalCon Portland 2024 — the biggest event of the year for the Drupal community — I realized I was finally ready to dive in and contribute. My experience at DrupalCon as a second-time attendee was eye-opening and energizing, from presenting at the first session on the first day to putting my Drupal knowledge to the test as a first-time code contributor. 

I left Portland with an even deeper appreciation for the talents of our development team  — and greater confidence in my own ability to add value to the community. Drupal is focused on lowering the barrier to entry for people to use the platform, a commitment that shone through in so many ways during my three days in Portland. 

Still think you don’t have anything to contribute to Drupal? Revisit DrupalCon 2024 through my eyes as a first-time contributor to see just how much you can do with Drupal — developer or not.

Breaking Barriers to Accessibility at DrupalCon

Accessibility is all about making your website useful to people of all abilities (check out our articles on accessible web navigation, getting started with accessibility, and the most recent Web Content Accessibility Guidelines update to learn more about it). At Oomph, we also know that accessibility tools and audits can feel anything but accessible for people who don’t spend as much time in Drupal as we do. 

That theme carried through many of my favorite DrupalCon moments, including: 

Oomph’s DrupalCon Session 

My colleague Kathy Beck and I built upon our 2023 Drupal GovCon presentation to offer a standing-room audience of over 150 people even more tips for demystifying website accessibility. As one of just two accessibility sessions at the conference, our goal was to help people understand how accessibility can be self-guided, which accessibility fixes can make the most impact, and how even accessibility newcomers have something to offer the Drupal community. 

Watch the full session here. 

Driesnote: Unveiling Starshot

Immediately after our session, we packed up and headed to the Driesnote keynote speech by Drupal Founder and Lead Developer Dries Buytaert. He reflected on Drupal’s beginnings (Drupal’s been around longer than the brick-sized cellphone he brought on stage) and offered a look at how the platform will be increasingly frictionless and user-friendly, sharing that:  

Watch the full Driesnote here. 

Going Further With Drupal as a First-Time Contributor

After two days of sessions, we entered the portion of DrupalCon where folks can begin digging in more on our shared missions and contributions. My sights were set on finding more ways to contribute back to the Drupal community. 

The Drupal Mentorship Program puts on the First-Time Contributors Workshop to create a safe space for folks to dip their toes into the Drupal Core waters. Some first-timers are developers themselves, but others, like me, are Drupal-adjacent: project managers, graphic designers, and more who’ve worked alongside Drupal developers but haven’t written much code themselves. Following the introductory presentation and some great Q&A, the first-timers were released from the lecture to find the mentored contributions room. 

Cracking the Drupal code

Upon entering the room, there was a buzz in the air. Folks had broken up into groups working to solve several Drupal Core issues flagged as “novice.” I rallied with a few attendees and friends to tackle documentation — a place where I thought I could put my project management skills to good use. 

We selected an issue to resolve (#3425692, if you’re curious) and, with the help of mentor Farnoosh Johnson, started working to determine and develop a fix. This was particularly exciting as a project manager who’s always been curious about how my developer team members build code. Though the ultimate goal was to see our resolution deployed (only one team had the pleasure), the program’s real purpose was to contribute. That’s it. 

Our mentor continually reminded us that we were here simply to work within the Drupal CMS core code base and community: to work with the tooling, to join the Drupal Slack, to practice interacting with Drupal issues, and generally spread the knowledge and empowerment that comes with applying our technical skills to a real-world challenge. 

Sitting around the table with strangers who quickly became friends, we dove into our issue. Rather than creating documentation, we actually worked on a series of issues causing merge failures for a documentation update, reverse engineering the steps to identify the missing information and root causes. I learned how to work with DrupalPod, an exceptional extension for Chrome and Safari that enables you to set up a working code base without a local environment. I also got a firsthand taste of how involved development can be. For example, running a PHPUnit testing suite took over an hour. 

While we didn’t achieve a live commit on Day 1, fellow attendee Tiago Bember and I were both determined to resolve the issue. The next day, we reunited to keep working, and my colleague Phil Frilling joined us to check our facts and provide input when we got stuck. I’m happy to say that we successfully opened and approved the merge request, something I had done fewer than five times in my life before, and the update has now been reviewed and deployed (thanks, Drupal team!). 

Take the Drupal Plunge With Me

After DrupalCon 2024, I can officially say I’m not a first-time code contributor. But I will be a passionate member of the Drupal community for life. 

I gained a deeper appreciation for the time and development work it takes to power such an incredible platform, as well as empathy for engineers around the globe who persist through what can feel like hurdle after hurdle in pursuit of submitting code updates. 

For those of you who have yet to take the plunge, I highly recommend giving it a shot. You don’t even have to code! You can apply marketing skills, deck design, branding, and so much more. 

Want more DrupalCon 2024 or need tips to start contributing? Access Drupal’s curated collection of video resources or get in touch with the Oomph team. Talking about Drupal is kind of our thing. 

Go Ask Alice! (GAA!) is a judgment-free, anonymous question-and-answer site. It is part of Alice! Health Promotion, a department of Columbia Health. Their content has always been reliable, accurate, and thoroughly researched by professionals — humans, not Artificial intelligence (AI)!  While organic search brings many different kinds of audiences across the globe to their answers, their primary audience is the college students of Columbia University. These digital natives need the content to speak their language and to look modern and relevant. Oomph leaned into the college-aged persona to create a user interface that was fun, unique, and approachable while acknowledging and respecting the gravity of the questions students ask. 

The Brief

Empathize with both Visitors and Authors

We began by working to understand and empathize with their audience — which was easy. How many of us have gotten lost searching for answers to questions we might not ask our own close friends? Questions like, “Can I get Hepatitis A from eating raw seafood?”, “Do I have OCD?” or even “Why did my father abandon me?” Analytics supported how these types of questions were prevalent. They also showed that while many visitors found GAA! through search, those visitors found their answer and quickly left. While in some ways, this was positive — someone had a question and found a satisfactory answer — visitors missed lots of other answers to questions they might have.

For the Go Ask Alice! author team, technical issues often arose that were rooted in an overly complex content architecture and workflows that required lengthy workarounds. A complicated review and approval process and ineffective spam filters made combing through user submissions time-consuming. The longer it takes the team to create new answers, the less students will want to send GAA! their questions.

Our shared goals were to:

  • Modernize the design and attract more web-savvy students to read answers to questions they didn’t know they should ask.
  • Reinforce trust by being open about the process and the real human professionals behind the answers.
  • Improve search, filtering, and findability by leading with topics first and guiding visitors to the types of questions that interest them most.
  • Mitigate and simplify complex authoring processes to empower the small editorial team to answer more questions, support responses with engaging media, and reduce staff frustration.

The Approach

Modernization & Trust-building 

Most Gen-Z students and younger generations won’t trust a site that isn’t designed well for a mobile screen. Our design process emphasized the small screen experience, keeping filters, sharing, citations, and recirculation in logical places. The Columbia Health brand is also a powerful lever for establishing trust with a young audience, but we were careful not to let it overpower GAA!’s own authentic brand.

Human responses feel human

With the rise of AI and Google’s AI-generated search results, our design reinforced the humanity and empathy of GAA! by establishing a clear “Dear Alice” with a unique handwritten font and response from the author. When dealing with potentially sensitive and health-threatening answers, an authentic human voice is essential, and one that puts answers into context — is this thing I am asking about “normal”? What are the additional considerations I should know about? And so on. AI might give you one answer, but it won’t contain the context and nuance these anonymous human-generated questions require.

Unique Colors & Illustrations

Blue is strongly associated with Columbia Health and prevented the previous site from standing independently. Our design reduced focus on blue and shifted the site’s primary colors to maroon and yellow. Several other colors create wayfinding paths associated with answer topics. Scrolling the All Topics category page becomes a delightfully random color experience.

All color combinations adhere to WCAG 2.2 guidelines for Level AA, increasing the accessibility of this color-rich site for all visitors. 

A new set of illustrations curates a sense of inclusivity better than stock photos could. A wide variety of humans were chosen to represent the diversity of student populations. Little details, like the randomized person in the site’s footer, add a sense of surprise and delight to the entire browsing experience.

Supporting Trust with New Features

Enhancement ideas started to surface during Discovery and continued throughout the process from both teams. Some of our favorites include:

  1. The editor’s name, the answer’s published date, and its revision date were moved from the bottom of an answer and brought to the top. This information helps establish credibility quickly before reading an entire answer
  2. A feedback feature was added to individual answers, giving the GAA! team real-time data about the responses but also giving new visitors a greater sense of social proof
  3. A “Cite this Response” feature makes cutting and pasting an MLA (Modern Language Association) General Format- or Chicago-style academic citation into research papers easy. Since answers are so well-researched, these citations propagate GAA! further into academic culture

Increased User Engagement & Accessibility

Accessibility & Safety with a Quick Exit Button

Go Ask Alice! has many sensitive questions: questions about sexual abuse, suicide, drug use, and topics generally that you may not want someone else to see on your phone. We introduced a Quick Exit feature on each page of the site. When visitors click the button, a new tab is quickly opened, and the site’s browsing history is removed from their device. While this is not a well-known action in the general population, many in unsafe situations know how they work and what “Exit Site” means. 

Oomph has written an in-depth article about the quick exit button and has released a Quick Exit Drupal Module to help other teams implement this feature. 

Encouraging Question Browsing over Asking New Questions

It may seem counterintuitive, but one of the major workflows we redesigned was asking a question in the first place. The GAA! team has compiled thousands of great answers over the years and frequently updates old answers with new content to keep them current with changes in medical approaches. The small but mighty team didn’t want to answer the same questions over and over again by referring new askers to pre-published answers. 

Our solution emphasized search and intentionally made access to the Question form difficult. Visitors are encouraged to search for answers to previously posted questions first. Quite often, they will discover an answer to their questions (and maybe some helpful answers to questions they did not expect). Only if they have searched first will they encounter the “Can’t find your question” call to action, which leads them through the steps of asking a new question. 

The Results

The new site feels like a new beginning for the GAA! team. While the site has only recently launched, we look forward to seeing how it impacts key metrics like time on site and return visits. In the meantime, we’re also excited to see how the newly revamped admin experience helps the GAA! content team serve their audience even better than before. 

When faced with a sensitive question about mental, nutritional, emotional, or sexual health, college students can continue to Go Ask Alice!

The Brief

New Drupal, New Design

Migrating a massive site like is challenging enough, but implementing a new site design simultaneously made the process even more complex. IHME wanted a partner with the digital expertise to translate its internal design team’s page designs into a flexible, functional set of components  — and then bring it all to life in the latest Drupal environment. Key goals included:

  • Successfully moving the site from Drupal 7 to the latest release of Drupal
  • Auditing and updating IHME’s extensive set of features to meet its authoring needs while staying within budget
  • Translating the designs and style guide produced by the IHME team into accessible digital pages
  • Enhancing site security by overhauling security endpoints, including an integration with SSO provider OneLogin

The Approach

The new site required a delicate balance of form and function. Oomph consulted closely with IHME on the front-end page designs, then produced a full component-based design system in Drupal that would allow the site’s content to shine now and in the future — all while achieving conformance with WCAG 2.1 standards.

Equipping IHME To Lead the Public Health Conversation

Collaborating on a Comprehensive Content Model

IHME needed the site to support a wide variety of content and give its team complete control over landing page layouts, but the organization had limited resources to achieve its ambitious goals. Oomph and IHME went through several rounds of content modeling and architecture diagramming to right-size the number and type of components. We converted their full-page designs into annotated flex content diagrams so IHME could see how the proposed flex-content architecture would function down to the field level. We also worked with the IHME team to build a comprehensive list of existing features — including out-of-the-box, plugins, and custom — and determine which ones to drop, replace, or upgrade. We then rewrote any custom features that made the grade for the Drupal migration.

Building Custom Teaser Modules

The IHME team’s design relied heavily on node teaser views to highlight articles, events, and other content resources. Depending on the teaser’s placement, each teaser needed to display different data — some displayed author names, for example, while others displayed only a journal title. Oomph built a module encompassing all of the different teaser rules IHME needed depending on the component the teaser was being displayed in. The teaser module we built even became the inspiration for the Shared Fields Display Settings module Oomph is developing for Drupal.

Creating a Fresh, Functional Design System

With IHME’s new content model in place, we used Layout Paragraphs in Drupal to build a full design system and component library for Layout Paragraphs acts like a visual page builder, enabling the IHME team to construct feature rich pages using a drag and drop editor. We gave IHME added flexibility through customizable templates that make use of its extensive component library, as well as a customized slider layout that provides the team with even more display options.

You all are a fantastic team — professional yet personal; dedicated but not stressed; efficient, well-planned, and organized. Thank you so much and we look forward to more projects together in the future!

CHRIS ODELL Senior Product Manager: Digital Experience, University of Washington

The Results

Working to Make Citizens and Communities Healthier 

IHME has long been a leader in population health, and its migration to the latest version of Drupal ensures it can lead for a long time. By working with Oomph to balance technical and design considerations at every step, IHME was able to transform its vision into a powerful and purposeful site — while giving its team the tools to showcase its ever-growing body of insights. The new has already received a Digital Health Award, cementing its reputation as an essential digital resource for the public health community.


Same Look, Better Build

Ordinarily, when we embark on rearchitecting a site, it happens as part of a complete front-end and back-end overhaul. This was a unique situation. Visit California users enjoyed the site’s design and helpful content features, so we did not want to disrupt that. At the same time, we needed to upgrade the frustrating back-end experience, look for broken templates, and find optimizations in content and media along the way.   

An underperforming API (which functions like an information pipeline to move content from one part of the site to another) and bloated data/code resulted in sluggish site performance and slow content updates/deployments. If the Visit California team wanted to change a single sentence on the site, pushing it live took well over an hour, sometimes longer — and often the build failed. Poorly optimized images slowed the site down even further, especially for the mobile visitors who make up the majority of site traffic. 

They were in dire need of a decoupled site connection overhaul so they could: 

  • Reduce time and effort spent on updating site content
  • Implement a more reliable build process decreasing frustration and delays
  • Create a better, faster browsing experience for users


Oomph started by looking under the hood — or, in this case, under the APIs. While APIs are supposed to make sites perform better, an outdated API was at the root of Visit California’s problem. Over the course of the project, Oomph integrated a new API, optimized images, and corrected bottlenecks across the site to make updates a breeze.

Putting Visit California in the Fast Lane

Implemented a New API

Visit California needed an API that could more quickly move data from the back end to the front. Two previous clients shared Visit California’s back-end architecture but used a modern JSON API Drupal module successfully. Switching from the GraphQL module to JSON API on the back end streamlined the amount of data, resulting in the team updating content or code in minutes instead of hours or days.

Streamlined Data During Deployments

On the front end, a Gatsby Source GraphQL plugin contributed to the issue by pulling and refreshing all data from the entire system with each content update. Oomph replaced the faulty plugin, which had known limitations and lacked support, with the Gatsby Source Drupal plugin.  On the back end, the Gatsby Integration module was configured to work with JSON API to provide incremental builds — a process that pulls only updated content for faster deployments.

Avg. full build time

64 min

Unexplained failure rate Before

52 %

Avg. incremental build time

42 min

Unexplained failure rate After

0 %

Fixed Image Processing Bottlenecks

Because we were already in the code, both teams agreed this was a great opportunity to identify improvements to boost page performance. We found that image processing was a drag — the site previously processed images during deployment rather than processing them ahead of time on the back-end. Oomph used the JSON API Image Styles module to create image derivatives (copies) in different sizes, ultimately decreasing build times. 

Lightened the Load on the Back-End

As Oomph configured the new architecture, we scoured the site for other opportunities to reduce cruft. Additional improvements included removing deprecated code and rewriting code responsible for creating front-end pages, eliminating static queries running thousands of times during page creation. We also resized large images and configured their Drupal site to set sizing guardrails for photos their team may add in the future.

Home page weight before and after:

Page WeightBeforeAfter% Change
Desktop25.41 MB3.61 MBDown 85.79%
Mobile12.07 MB3.62 MBDown 70.01%

Visualizing the improvements to loading speed:

Core Web Vitals Improvements:


Exploring the Golden State, One Story at a Time

Once Oomph was done, the Visit California site looked the same, but the load times were significantly faster, making the site more easily accessible to users. By devising a strategy to pull the same data using completely different methods, Oomph created a streamlined deployment process that was night and day for the Visit California team. 

The massive initiative involved 75,000 lines of code, 23 front-end templates, and plenty of collaboration, but the results were worth it: a noticeably faster site, a markedly less frustrating authoring experience, and page performance that would make any Californian proud.

From code to launch

4.5 mos.

Sites launched within a year


Performance improvement

350 %


A Fractured System

With a network of websites mired in old, outdated platforms, Rhode Island was already struggling to serve the communication needs of government agencies and their constituents. And then the pandemic hit.

COVID accelerated the demand for better, faster communication and greater efficiency amid the rapidly changing pandemic. It also spotlighted an opportunity to create a new centralized information hub. What the government needed was a single, cohesive design system that would allow departments to quickly publish and manage their own content, leverage a common and accessible design language, and use a central notification system to push shared content across multiple sites.

With timely, coordinated news and notifications plus a visually unified set of websites, a new design system could turn the state’s fragmented digital network into a trusted resource, especially in a time of crisis.


Custom Tools Leveraging Site Factory

A key goal was being able to quickly provision sites to new or existing agencies. Using Drupal 9 (and updated to Drupal 10) and Acquia’s Site Factory, we gave the state the ability to stand up a new site in just minutes. Batch commands create the site and add it to necessary syndication services; authors can then log in and start creating their own content.

We also created a set of custom tools for the state agencies, to facilitate content migration and distribution. An asynchronous hub-and-spoke syndication system allows sites to share content in a hierarchical manner (from parent to child sites), while a migration helper scrapes existing sites to ensure content is properly migrated from a database source.

Introducing Quahog: A Design System

For organizations needing agility and efficiency, composable technology makes it easier to quickly adapt digital platforms as needs and conditions change. We focused on building a comprehensive, component-based visual design system using a strategy of common typography, predefined color themes and built-in user preferences to reinforce accessibility and inclusivity.

The Purpose of the Design System

The new, bespoke design system had to support four key factors: accessibility, user preferences, variation within a family of themes, and speedy performance.

Multiple color themes

Site authors choose from five color themes, each supporting light and dark mode viewing. Every theme was rigorously tested to conform with WCAG AA (and sometimes AAA), with each theme based on a palette of 27 colors (including grays) and 12 transparent colors.

User preferences

Site visitors can toggle between light or dark mode or use their own system preference, along with adjusting font sizes, line height, word spacing, and default language.

Mobile first

Knowing that many site visitors will be on mobile devices, each design component treats the mobile experience as a first-class counterpart to desktop.

Examples: The section menu sticks to the left side of the view port for easy access within sections; Downloads are clearly labelled with file type and human-readable file sizes in case someone has an unreliable network connection; galleries appear on mobile with any text labels stacked underneath and support swipe gestures, while the desktop version layers text over images and supports keyboard navigation.

High Accessibility

Every design pattern is accessible for screen readers and mobile devices. Color contrast, keyboard navigation, semantic labeling, and alt text enforcement all contribute to a highly accessible site. Extra labels and help text have been added to add context to actions, while also following best practices for use of ARIA attributes.

Performance aware

Each page is given a performance budget, so design components are built as lightly as possible, using the least amount of code and relying on the smallest visual asset file sizes possible.


Efficient and Effective Paths to Communication

The first sites to launch on the new system, including, went live four and a half months after the first line of code was written. A total of 15 new sites were launched within just 8 months, all showing a 3-4x improvement in speed and performance compared with previous versions.

Every site now meets accessibility guidelines when authors adhere to training and best practices, with Lighthouse accessibility and best practice scores consistently above 95%. This means the content is available to a larger, more diverse audience. In addition, a WAF/CDN provider increases content delivery speeds and prevents downtime or slowdowns due to attacks or event-driven traffic spikes.

State agencies have been universally pleased with the new system, especially because it provides authors with an improved framework for content creation. By working with a finite set of tested design patterns, authors can visualize, preview, and deploy timely and consistent content more efficiently and effectively.

We were always impressed with the Oomph team’s breadth of technical knowledge and welcomed their UX expertise, however, what stood out the most to me was the great synergy that our team developed. All team members were committed to a common goal to create an exceptional, citizen-centered resource that would go above and beyond the technical and design expectations of both agencies and residents .

ROBERT MARTIN ETSS Web Services Manager, State of Rhode Island


While One Percent for America (OPA) had an admirable goal of helping eligible immigrants become U.S. citizens, the project faced a major stumbling block. Many immigrants had already been misled by various lending institutions, payday loans, or high-interest credit cards. As a result, the OPA platform would need a sense of trustworthiness and authority to shine through.

The platform also had to handle a broad array of tasks through a complex set of workflows, backstops, and software integrations. These tasks included delivering content, signing up users, verifying eligibility, connecting to financial institutions, managing loan data and investment balances, and electronically sending funds to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.


Given the challenges, our work began with a month-long discovery process, probing deeper into the audience, competitive landscape, customer journeys, and technological requirements for the platform. Here’s what we learned.

The Borrower Experience

Among those deep in the citizenship process and close to finishing the paperwork, many are simply waiting to have the funds to conclude their journey. For them, we designed as simple a workflow as possible to create an account, pass a security check, and apply for a loan.

Other users who are just starting the process need to understand whether they’re eligible for citizenship and what the process entails. We knew this would require smart, in-depth content to answer their questions and provide guidance — which was also a crucial component in earning their trust. Giving away genuinely helpful information, combined with carefully chosen language and photography, helped lend authenticity to OPA’s stated mission.

The Investor Experience

OPA sought to crowdfund capital from small investors, not institutions, creating a community-led funding source that could scale to meet borrowers’ needs. A key innovation is that funders can choose between two options: making tax-deductible donations or short-term loans.

If an investor makes a loan, at the end of the term they can decide to reinvest for another term, turn the money into a donation, or withdraw the funds. To reinforce the circular nature of the platform, we designed the experience so that borrowers could become investors themselves. The platform makes it easy for borrowers to change their intent and access different tools. Maturity dates are prominently displayed alongside “Lend Again” and “Donate” actions. Testimonials from borrowers on the dashboard reinforce the kinds of people who are helped by an investment.

The Mobile Experience

Our research made it clear the mobile experience had to be best in class, as many users would either prefer using a phone or didn’t have regular access to a tablet or computer. But, that didn’t mean creating a mobile app in addition to a desktop website. Instead, by designing a universal web app, we built a more robust experience — more powerful than most mobile apps — that can be used anywhere, on any device.

However, tasks like signing up for an account or applying for a loan need to be as easy on a mobile device as on a desktop. Key UX elements like step-by-step workflows, large touch targets, generous spacing on form fields, soft colors, and easy-to-read fonts produced a highly user-friendly interface.


Together with our technology partners, CraftsmanMotionpoint, and, we built an innovative digital platform that meets its users exactly where they are, from both a technological and cultural standpoint.

This groundbreaking work earned us a Gold Medal from the inaugural 2022 Anthem Awards, in the Innovation in Human and Civil Rights category. The award recognizes new techniques and services that advance communities and boost contributory funds.

In our ongoing partnership with OPA, Oomph will continue working to expand the business model with new features. We’re proud to have helped build this impactful resource to support the community of new Americans.


A Creative Beacon Sets a New Path

The RISD Museum is the 20th largest art museum in the United States with over 100,000 objects in its collection, including Ancient art, costumes, textiles, painting, sculpture, contemporary art, furniture, photography, and more. The museum occupies more than 72,000 square feet in three historic and two contemporary buildings along Providence’s bustling South Main Street and riverfront.

We often say that a website redesign is more like a collective therapy session — it’s an opportunity to air grievances in a safe space, to think about the future untethered to the present situation, and make decisions that could change the course of the organization. Since many websites are more than just a marketing platform, a redesign can affect the entire organization and the way they communicate their value to their own team and the world.

At the heart of this project were large, existential questions:

What does it mean to be a physical institution collecting physical objects in a digital world?

What do viewers want out of a museum experience in an interactive space?

Can a museum be more relaxed about how viewers will interpret the work?

Open Source the Museum’s Entire Collection

Behind the Museum’s initiative to re-platform the website from a closed system to an open source system like Drupal 8 was another, perhaps even larger, initiative: a plan to “open source” the museum’s entire collection. They will bring all 100,000 objects online (they have a little over 13,000 available prior to launch, a mere 13%) and use a Creative Commons license system that allows visitors to download and repurpose high-resolution images whenever the objects are in the public domain. This was the heart of the revolution upon which the RISD Museum was about to embark.


MuseumPlus & Drupal 8 equals Open Access

The heavy lift for our engineers was an integration with RISD’s museum software, MuseumPlus. MuseumPlus needed to continue to be the source of truth for any object, artist, or exhibition. The teams again collaborated extensively to work towards an API that could provide all the correct information

between the two databases, and a system of daily jobs and manual overrides to start a synchronization process. As the online connection grows, these connections will be the critical link between the public-facing object data and the internal records.

The aesthetics of the site became a structural backdrop for the objects, artwork, and images of people in the physical spaces of the museum.

Gray and white wireframes evolved into a black and white interface that kept information clear and clean while allowing the colors of the artwork to shine through. Language around the site’s architecture was simplified and tested for clarity. An element of time — words like Soon, Upcoming, Now, Ongoing, Past — keeps the visitor grounded around the idea of a physical visit, while open access to objects online serves a whole community of art lovers and historians that may never be able to visit in person.

A bold storytelling idea came out of our collective collaborative process — the homepage experience opens with four videos, a cinematic exterior shot and three interior videos that explore the three main sections of the navigation. The homepage becomes a gateway into the physical space. Choosing a path via the navigation takes the viewer inside to explore the spaces and the objects. Instead of a homepage that assumes a visitor wants to see everything and then choose something to explore deeper, this one introduces them to the content in a way that connects them to the physical space.


An Evolving Partnership

Site visit patterns have seen significant improvement — sessions per user and pages per session have increased while bounce rate has decreased. Thanks are due in part to the new hosting environment with Acquia, which has provided hefty speed increases and stability — page load times have decreased, server response time is significantly less, and page download time is far less as well.

As the RISD Museum grows their online collection even further, we have identified a backlog of ideas that we’d love to address, from a more fully featured search, an integrated audio guide, and a more open and collaborative way for users to share back what they have done with the museum’s assets. A new Drupal 8 (now 10) implementation gives the museum plenty of room to grow virtually. The collaborative relationship between Oomph and the RISD Museum is only beginning.

High-quality content management systems (CMS) and digital experience platforms (DXP) are the backbone of modern websites, helping you deliver powerful, personalized user experiences. The catch? You have to pick your platform first. 

At Oomph, we have a lot of love for open-source platforms like Drupal and WordPress. Over the years, we’ve also built applications for our clients using headless CMS tools, like Contentful and CosmicJS. The marketplace for these solutions continues to grow exponentially, including major players like Adobe Experience Manager, Sitecore, and Optimizely.

With so many options, developers and non-developers with a project on the horizon typically start by asking themselves, “Which CMS or DXP is the best fit for my website or application?” While that is no doubt an excellent question to consider, I think it’s equally important to ask, “Who is going to implement the solution?” 

CMS/DXP Solutions Are More Alike Than You Might Think

I recently attended the annual Healthcare Internet Conference and spoke with quite a few healthcare marketers about their CMS tools. I noticed a common thread: Many people think their CMS (some of which I mentioned above) is hard to use and doesn’t serve them well. 

That may very well be the case. Not all CMS tools are created equal; some are better suited for specific applications. However, most modern CMS and DXP tools have many of the same features in common, they just come at different price points. So here’s the multi-million dollar question: If most of these products provide access to the same or similar tools, why are so many customers displeased with them? 

Common Challenges of CMS/DXP Implementation

Often, we find that CMS users get frustrated because the tool they chose wasn’t configured to meet their specific needs. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it was set up incorrectly. That’s the beauty of many of today’s CMS and DXP products: They don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, they allow for flexibility and customization to ensure that each customer gets the most out of the product.

While enticing, that flexibility also burdens the user with ensuring that their system is implemented effectively for their specific use case. In our experience, implementation is the make-or-break of a website development project. These are just a handful of things that can derail the process:

  1. The implementation partner didn’t fully understand how their client works and configure features accordingly.
  2. The demands of user experience overshadowed the needs of content editors and admins. 
  3. Hefty licensing fees ate away at the budget, leaving behind funds that don’t quite cover a thorough implementation. 
  4. The project was rushed to meet a tight deadline. 
  5. The CMS introduces new features over time that add complexity to the admin or editing experience. 
  6. Old features get sunsetted as new capabilities take their place. 

Most of the work we do at Oomph is to help our clients implement new websites and applications using content management systems like Drupal. We have decades of combined experience helping our clients create the ideal user experience for their target audience while also crafting a thoughtful content editing and admin experience that is easy to use.

But what does that look like in practice? 

4 Steps for a Successful CMS Implementation

Implementation can be the black box of setting up your CMS: You don’t know what you don’t know. So, we like to get our clients into a demo environment as soon as possible to help them better understand what they need from their CMS. Here’s how we use it to navigate successful CMS implementation: 

  1. Assess the Capabilities of the CMS

The first step can be the most simple at face value. Consider what the CMS needs to do for you, then find a CMS that includes all of those features. Content modeling (more on that below) is a key part of that process, but so is auditing your team’s abilities. 

Some teams may be developer-savvy and can handle less templated content-authoring features. Others may need a much more drag-and-drop experience. Either use case is normal and acceptable, but what matters is that you identify your needs and find both a CMS and an implementation process that meets them. That leads us to the next point.

  1. Test-Drive the CMS Early and Often

You wouldn’t buy a car without test-driving it first. Yet we find that people are often more than willing to license a CMS without looking under the hood.

Stepping into the CMS for a test drive is a huge part of getting the content editing experience right. We’ve been designing and engineering websites and platforms using CMS tools for well over a decade, and we’ve learned a thing or two along the way about good content management and editing experiences. 

Even with out-of-the-box, vanilla Drupal, the sky’s the limit for how you can configure it. But that also means that nothing is configured, and it can be difficult to get a sense of how best to configure and use it. Rather than diving into the deep end, we work with our clients to test the waters. We immediately set up a project sandbox that offers pre-configured content types, allowing you to enter content and play with a suite of components within the sleek drag-and-drop interface.

  1. Align User Experience with Content Authoring

Beyond pre-configured content and components, our sandbox sites include a stylish, default theme. The idea is to give you a taste both of what your live site could look like and what your content authoring experience might be. Since so many teams struggle to balance those two priorities, this can be a helpful way to figure out how your CMS can give you both. 

  1. Finalize Your Features & Capabilities 

While a demo gives you a good idea of the features you’ll need, it might include features you don’t. But discovering where our pre-built options aren’t a good fit is a good thing — it helps us understand exactly what YOUR TEAM does and does not need.

Our goal is to give you something tangible to react to, whether that’s love at first type or a chance to uncover capabilities that would serve you better. We’ve found this interactive yet structured process is the CMS silver bullet that leads to a better outcome. 

Content Modeling

Another key part of our project workflow is what we call content modeling. During this phase, we work with you to identify the many content types you’ll have on your website or application. Then, we can visualize them in a mapping system to determine things like: 

With a solid content model in place, we can have a higher level of confidence that our CMS implementation will create the right content editing experience for your team. From there, we actually implement the content model in the CMS as soon as possible so that you can test it out and we can make refinements before getting too far along in the process.

Content Moderation & Governance

Many clients tell us they either have too much or too little control over their content. In some cases, their content management system is so templated or rigid that marketing teams can’t quickly spin up landing pages and instead have to rely on development teams to assist. Other teams have too much freedom, allowing employees to easily deploy content that hasn’t been approved by the appropriate team members or strays from company brand standards. 

Here at Oomph, our mantra is balance. A good content editing process needs both flexibility and governance, so teams can create content when they need to, but avoid publishing content that doesn’t meet company standards. Through discovery, we work with clients to determine which content types need flexibility and which ones don’t. 

If a content type needs to be flexible, we create a framework that allows for agility while still ensuring that users can only select approved colors, font types, and font sizes. We also identify which content needs to be held in moderation and approved before it can be published on the website. 

Taking the time to discuss governance in advance creates a CMS experience that strikes the right balance between marketing freedom and brand adherence. 

Implementation Turns a Good CMS Into a Great One

Modern CMS/DXP solutions have mind-blowing features, and they will only continue to get more complex over time. But the reality is that while picking a CMS that has the features you need is important, how it’s configured and implemented might matter even more. After all, how helpful is it to have a CMS with embedded artificial intelligence if making simple copy updates to your home page is a nightmare? 

Implementation is the “it” factor that makes the difference between a CMS you love and one you’d rather do your job without.

Interested in solving your CMS headaches with better implementation? Let’s talk.